The Alabama Young Democrats is a group of young, progressive leaders who are working together to make Alabama a better place to live. We are composed of chapters across Alabama with members ranging in age from 16 to 40 years old. We are a chartered unit of the Young Democrats of America.
- Stimulate the youth of Alabama to take an active interest in government affairs
- Increase the efficiency of popular government.
- Foster and perpetuate the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party.
- Encourage statesmanship among colleauges.
- Aid the Democratic Party in organizational and electoral goals.
- Work towards the highest degree of justice and social welfare
- Serve as a voice for the young people of Alabama.

Khadidah Stone
Executive Vice President

Terri Chapman
National Committee Representative

Josh Coleman
National Committee Representative

John Dodd
Vice President Place 1

Jose Victor Figueroa-Cifuentes
Vice President Place 2

KeUndra Cox
Vice President Place 3

Haeden Wright
Vice President Place 4

Amerika Blair